See how the NFU represents its members

Our NFU officeholders and board members are working on members’ behalf 52 weeks a year. 

Weekly look ahead

Week commencing 1 July

General election 2024

  • Our network of county advisers is reaching out to prospective parliamentary candidates from all parties across England and Wales. So far, we’ve already contacted 904 and met with 378. We will continue to highlight the needs of British farmers to all prospective candidates at agricultural shows and member farm visits.

NFU working for you – Tues 2 July

  • NFU Poultry Board chair James Mottershead and co-opted board member Jonty Hay will be attending the Red Tractor poultry board meeting in London as the NFU’s representatives, ensuring the views of poultry producers are heard at the meeting.
  • NFU poultry adviser Tom Glen is attending an egg sector meeting on activism.
  • NFU Deputy President David Exwood is meeting with Natural England for their quarterly catch-up.

British Agriculture Bureau – Tues 2 July

  • NFU Combinable Crops Board chair Jamie Burrows and senior advisor Luke Cox will be in Brussels on Tuesday to attend the Copa Cogeca Working Party on Cereals and Oilseeds.

NFU working for you – Wed 3 July

  • NFU Deputy President David Exwood will be attending a National Trust liaison meeting regarding tenant farmers at their national office in Heelis.

British Agriculture Bureau – Wed 3 July 

  • NFU european policy adviser Kate Adams is attending a Copa Cogeca technical meeting to discuss how below-cost selling provisions have been implemented in some member states and how this measure may be used in the future. 

General election 2024 – Thurs 4 July

NFU in the field – Fri 2 July 

  • NFU President Tom Bradshaw will attend the Kent Show to meet with local NFU members.

See how the NFU has been working for you in previous weeks.