NFU Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Programme

First published30 September 2023

Ambassador Group Shot

The NFU's Student and Young Farmer Ambassadors are champions for the next generation of British famers. Read on about to find out more about the programme.

This Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Programme is a year-long series of events designed to give NFU Student & Young Farmer members 30 years old and under the opportunity to impact the future of the agricultural industry by working with the NFU and to put their own stamp on the future of British farming.

When are applications open?

Applications to take part in the 2024 programme are now closed. We are now in the process of reviewing applications and will be in touch with applicants in due course. 

Why take part?

  • This is an opportunity to represent the younger generation of farmers within the UK’s biggest farming membership organisation
  • Create long standing relationships with like-minded people from all farming sectors around the country
  • Experience new aspects of the agricultural industry from horticulture to dairy
  • Be at the heart of political change as it unfolds
  • Help the farming industry become more progressive and break boundaries
  • It will be an amazing asset to add to your CV
  • Promote yourself, your college, or your business locally and nationally
  • Increase your knowledge of the inner workings of the NFU
  • You will receive training to enable you to write for national publications, present to schools, speak to the media and engage with MPs

What’s the application criteria?

  • Be an NFU Student & Young Farmer member (It’s free! Sign up at
  • Be aged between 18 and 30 years (on 1 January 2024)
  • Be located in England or Wales
  • Have a vested interest in farming and rural affairs
  • Be available to attend all events with confirmed dates (see timetable)
  • Have an interest in speaking to the media or writing content for various NFU publications
  • Be committed to promoting the values of inclusivity and kindness in the industry

NFU S&YFAP Inclusivity Pledge

We believe the more diversity within agriculture, the more innovative and sustainable the future of farming will be. In line with the NFU’s value of inclusivity, the Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Programme has always welcomed applicants from different cultures, backgrounds and perspectives.

We especially welcome applications from people who feel their community has, so far, been underrepresented in the agriculture industry or in the S&YFAP group, be that in relation to (but not limited to) their race, colour, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression.

What does it cost?

The NFU will ensure that the programme is free for participants, and that Ambassadors are not left out of pocket. All food, overnight stays and travel expenses will be covered as long as participants attend all events.


January 2024: Two-day induction programme at NFU HQ Stoneleigh.

February 2024: Attend NFU Conference across two days at the ICC in Birmingham, including attending political sessions, workshops, sector breakouts, formal dinner and an overnight stay.

March 2024: Spend a day with your regional colleagues to learn about what happens on a regional and local level.

April 2024: Learn how to teach school children about farming at a Farmers For School training day.

May 2024: Visit the NFU’s external affairs team in Westminster and go on a tour of the Houses of Parliament.

June to August 2024: Represent the NFU at agricultural shows and events over the Summer. Industry and farm visits.

August 2024: Help to guest-edit the NFU Student & Young Farmer Takeover Edition of Student Farmer magazine.

September 2024: Support the NFU’s Back British Farming Day in lobbying government to see the value of British food and farming.

November 2024: Represent the British agricultural industry at Lord Mayor’s Show in London, including an overnight stay the night before.

January 2025: Handover to the next cohort of ambassadors.

*Timetable is subject to change, and events may be removed, rescheduled, or changed. Specific dates will be confirmed at a later stage.