Poultry sector resilience plan

The poultry sector has already made great progress on reducing inputs and improving productivity.

James Mottershead

NFU Poultry Board chair James Mottershead

James is a broiler producer from Shropshire and produces his own feed rations through on farm home mixing. He was elected to chair the NFU Poultry Board for 2022–2024.

“As poultry producers we are proud of our track record as a resilient, innovative and efficient sector, producing a cost-effective and nutritious protein for consumers. With the combined challenges of rising input costs, climate change and avian influenza, it’s important that farmers, policymakers and the supply chain work together to maintain the resilience of the sector and ensure both financial and environmental sustainability for farmers.

“As a sector we’ve already made great progress on reducing inputs and improving our productivity, but there is more we can do that will not only help mitigate climate change but also improve the profitability and resilience of British poultry meat and egg production.”

NFU Poultry Board chair James Mottershead

Poultry sector priorities

Our priorities outline the key opportunities for the sector to improve its resilience and encourage climate-friendly farming.

The focus is on identifying the potential barriers to uptake and the support needed for both individual poultry farmers and the wider poultry sector to see the benefits.

Photo by John Cottle/NFU: Calf looking at camera

Our top priorities

  • A thorough review of planning regulations to enable investment in the infrastructure required for sector resilience.
  • Investment from government and/or key supply chain stakeholders to help make on-farm energy generation and storage accessible and cost effective, including improvements to national grid infrastructure.
  • Changes to production systems and breeds should be evidence and/or consumer led with fair returns for investment throughout the supply chain and a suitable transition period for producers, processors and packers.
  • Education of stakeholders using robust science and evidence to counteract misinformation (eg, water quality) and promote evidence-based policy making.
  • A consistent methodology between GHG calculators.

Pillar 1 – On-farm efficiency


Greenhouse gas or carbon footprint calculators

Member opportunities

  • Allow producers to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Inform future decision making.
  • Provide evidence to back up key NFU asks of government and supply chain to support the sector.


  • Existing GHG (greenhouse gas) footprinting tools are not tailored to the poultry sector and struggle to account for multiple enterprises.
  • GHG footprinting is primarily supply chain rather than producer led.
  • GHG footprinting is expensive and no guaranteed return for producer.
  • The Climate Change Agreement scheme (which offers a discount on the Climate Change Levy on energy bills) penalises producers who move to more extensive production systems.

NFU asks

  • Consistent methodology between GHG calculators.
  • Investment from government and/or supply chain to make GHG calculators more relevant for different types of poultry and mixed enterprises.
  • Better advice and guidance to support uptake of GHG calculations and on-farm recording.
  • Funding for poultry businesses to carry out GHG footprinting/audits.
  • Reform of the Climate Change Agreement scheme to take account of diversity in production systems and market demands.


  • Percentage of producers who have used a GHG calculator.
  • Read more on GHG calculators.

Read more on carbon calculators

Reducing soya usage associated with land-use change

Member opportunities

  • Feed represents the majority of poultry's total GHG footprint.
  • Improved consumer perception of poultry meat and eggs.
  • Lower reliance on imported feed ingredients.


  • Legislation – novel protein sources need authorising as feed ingredients.
  • R&D on novel protein sources to demonstrate value.
  • Commercial viability of home-grown alternative protein crops.
  • Low protein level and/or digestibility of alternative proteins, which reduces bird performance and feed efficiency.
  • Lower protein level and digestibility of North American soya compared to South American.
  • Segregated supply chains are not currently able to deliver the volume of verified. conversion/deforestation-free soya needed.

NFU asks

  • Authorisation of alternative/novel proteins for use in poultry feed.
  • Retailer support for alternative/novel proteins.
  • R&D on home grown proteins (for example, precision breeding of crops).
  • R&D on novel proteins.
  • Additional cost of production associated with low- or zero-soya diets must be shared fairly throughout the supply chain.
  • Education for the public and supply chain on sustainably sourced soya, including a suitable transition period to deforestation-free soya.
  • Additional cost of segregated soya supply must be shared fairly throughout the supply chain.


  • Soya imports to UK from unknown origin.
  • Average soya inclusion in ration.
  • GHG footprint of poultry farms.
  • GHG per unit of protein.
  • Land use change for soya used by UK.
Chicken eating feed

Productivity improvements

Member opportunities

  • Reduce overall feed usage.
  • Improve resource use efficiency.
  • Improve producer profitability.


  • Non consumer-led pressure to move to slower growing breeds/more extensive production.
  • Genetic potential of slower growing breeds for more extensive systems.
  • Cost of feed/production inputs.
  • Planning permission cost and availability, particularly with move to 30kg/m2 broiler production and cage free egg production by retailers which will require more shed space to maintain current production levels.
  • Poultry meat and eggs produced to lower welfare and environmental standards can be imported from elsewhere, undermining British producers.

NFU asks

  • Changes to production systems and breeds should be evidence and/or consumer led with fair returns for investment, (for example, BCC (Better Chicken Commitment)/cage-free egg production).
  • Encourage support for all types of sustainable production, to give producers the confidence to invest in alternative genetics, inputs and production systems (for example, white shell eggs).
  • Planning reform – clear and consistent national guidance for local authorities and a streamlined process for changes that don’t increase bird numbers.
  • Government to implement core production standards to ensure a level playing field between agri-food imports and food produced in the UK.


  • Feed conversion ratio.
  • Eggs per hen housed.
  • UK self-sufficiency.
Modern broiler unit

Energy efficiency improvements

Member opportunities

  • Reduce energy usage/waste.
  • Potential to reduce associated costs.
  • Improve resource use efficiency.
  • Extend life of poultry sheds via non-market-altering upgrades.


  • Cost – often has low/no commercial benefit.
  • Confidence – often very long time period for returns on investment amid market uncertainty and volatility.
  • Accessing grant funding can be complex and is new to many poultry farmers.

NFU asks

  • Government investment for non-market-altering shed improvements or refurbishments – eg, insulation/LEDs.
  • Widen eligibility for grants to other poultry species and production systems, including ducks and turkeys.
  • Government investment for resource saving technology, eg, rainwater harvesting.
  • Guidance and advice for farmers to help them access available grant funding.
  • Better data on ageing infrastructure.


  • Energy use on farm.
  • Energy use per bird/kg/unit of protein.
  • Water use per site/bird/kg meat produced.
  • Grant funding awarded to poultry businesses by Defra.
Muck spreader

Water quality

Member opportunities

  • Protecting and enhancing the reputation of the poultry sector.
  • Gaining best value from poultry manure/litter.
  • Reduce manure/litter disposal costs.
  • Contribute to circular farming economy.
  • Could help reduce use of synthetic fertilisers for arable sector.


  • Misinformation around poultry’s contribution to water quality.
  • Processing of manure/litter is expensive.
  • Better understanding needed of ‘best’ way to valorise waste (both from an environmental and financial perspective).
  • Poultry producers often export manure/litter off-farm so collaboration with end user is needed.
  • Insufficient data and knowledge to compare environmental footprint of different fertilisers.

NFU asks

  • Education of stakeholders using robust science and evidence to counteract misinformation and promote evidence-based policy making.
  • Financial investment from government/supply chain stakeholders for manure and washwater treatment, processing and storage (for example, storage infrastructure, litter burners, dryers, AD, pelleting).
  • Research into other potential uses for manure/litter such as substrate for insect production.
    National collaboration is needed between poultry and arable producers – ie, encouraging moving nutrients from excess areas to areas where it is needed.
  • Data and knowledge transfer to compare environmental footprint of manure/litter with synthetic fertilisers to promote informed decision making and maximise value.


  • Percentage of manure/litter by use/disposal type.
  • Associated emissions figures for different litter/manure treatment.

Pillar 2 – Nature-based solutions

Hedge with field in the distance

Carbon sequestration – hedges and trees

Member opportunities

  • Good news story to improve consumer perception – easy to communicate to public.
  • Linked benefits such as biodiversity and air quality improvements.
  • Boundary trees/hedges can improve security/privacy.
  • Many free-range producers already have areas of the range planted with trees.


  • Devalues land.
  • Accessing grant funding can be complex and is new to many poultry farmers.
  • Lack of knowledge of what and where to plant for best results and ongoing management of trees.
  • Non-free-range producers may have limited space to plant.
  • Biosecurity – encouraging wild birds onto range areas could increase risk of disease incursion (for example, avian influenza).
  • Tenants are often limited in what changes can be made to rented land.

NFU asks

  • Financial incentive/protection from land devaluation for planting activity.
  • Recognition for trees already planted on range areas.
  • Advice and guidance for farmers on planting plans and ongoing tree maintenance plus accessing available grant funding.
  • Joined up policy making by government and supply chain stakeholders to avoid unintended consequences, for example balancing biodiversity incentives with minimising biosecurity risks.
  • Consideration is given to land restrictions and alternative options for tenants where needed, such as non-permanent shrubs and cover crops.


  • Percentage of range cover with trees/acres of trees on ranges.
  • Percentage of poultry farms with hedgerow boundaries.
  • Kilometres of hedgerows.
  • Carbon captured.

Pillar 3 – Agriculture serving the wider economy

Solar panels


Member opportunities

  • Green energy for use on farm.
  • Could potentially export to the grid.
  • Potential financial benefit to producers.
  • Stability in energy price/availability.


  • Cost – can have long payback period amid market uncertainty and volatility.
  • Planning constraints.
  • Poor national grid infrastructure.
  • Lack of on-farm technical expertise and/or knowledge in energy solutions.

NFU asks

  • Government investment in infrastructure, or financial support for farmers to improve (for example, upgrading to 3-phase supply).
  • Investment from government and/or supply chain to help make on-farm energy generation and storage accessible and cost effective.
  • Planning reform – clear and consistent national guidance for local authorities and a streamlined process for accessing renewables.
  • Guidance and advice for farmers on suitable renewable energy options.


  • Energy usage on farm
  • Energy use per bird/kg/unit of protein
  • Green energy production

Poultry emissions profile

It’s important to know where the main GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) come from in our sector and understand what is under our control, in the short- and medium-term.

Photo by John Cottle/NFU: Calf looking at camera

Source: 2022 CIEL report

Source: 2022 CIEL report

Source: 2022 CIEL report

Source: 2022 CIEL report


Chicken shed

SFI actions

Many of the actions the NFU has been calling for are now included within the Sustainable Farming Incentive. To find the SFI actions that best suit your farm visit GOV.UK Find funding for land or farms.

Check out the latest guidance from our experts.

Infrastructure grant funding

Initial success with Defra’s small and large Animal Health and Welfare Pathway grants in England launched in 2023 and 2024 respectively. The NFU has submitted suggestions for eligible items, many of which have been adopted by Defra.

The NFU will be carrying out an updated poultry shed survey to gather data on the age of poultry infrastructure.

Initial success with new solar grants available in 2024, but more is needed across different technologies to unlock the full potential.

River Wye Action Plan published in 2024, promising future grant funding for poultry producers to invest in litter burners and on-farm micro-AD plants.

The NFU poultry team is here to help

If you have already made strides into climate-friendly farming, or if you are just beginning on your journey and you'd like to look at possible options for your business, we may be able to help.

Eggs from Sunrise Poultry Ltd
NFU’s CallFirst team

NFU CallFirst

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Saxon Mill fields

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We want to help you find the right resources for your farming business and support you on your net-zero journey.

Visit Climate-friendly farming, building business resilience


AD – Anaerobic digestion

BCC – Better Chicken Commitment

GHG – Greehouse Gas