Seasonal workers and pension auto-enrolment – are you compliant?

First published28 August 2024

Asparagus harvest on a farm with seasonal workers

The Pensions Regulator has launched a new campaign to remind employers of seasonal workers of their auto-enrolment duties.

The key messages from the Pensions Regulator are:

  • If you are an employer taking on seasonal staff, you must check if these workers are eligible for automatic enrolment into a workplace pension.
  • Employers must individually assess any seasonal or temporary staff every time they pay them. More information on assessing seasonal staff is available on GOV.UK | Employing seasonal or temporary staff. This includes staff with variable hours and pay, whether they are employed for a few days or longer.
  • Employers who fail to comply with their workplace pensions’ duties may receive a warning notice to comply. Those who continue to fail, risk a fine.
  • If you have staff you know will be working for you for less than three months, you can use postponement to delay assessing those employees. This pauses the duty to assess those staff until the end of the three-month postponement period.

Further support and information

Information on enrolling employees is available at: GOV.UK | Employing seasonal or temporary staff.

Information on postponement is available at: GOV.UK | Postponement.

The NFU has also produced a business guide on pension auto-enrolment and the key stages to compliance.

NFU members can also contact CallFirst on 0370 845 8458 for further advice and support from our legal and technical advisers.

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