See how we celebrated British egg producers on World Egg Day

20 October 2021

On Friday 8 October, World Egg Day returned to social media for its 25th anniversary. The NFU joined in the worldwide celebrations with the intention of raising the profile of British poultry farmers and promoting the nutritional benefits of the humble, tasty egg.

It is one of the NFU poultry board’s priorities to help raise the profile of British eggs to consumers so we were keen to support members who wanted to get involved in this year’s event.

We created shareable resources

Our 'how to get involved in World Egg day' article proved popular, giving ideas for NFU members and the general public on how to create engaging social media content that would get people talking about the egg industry.

It also gave advice on what hashtags, photos, emojis and graphics to use in posts to get them trending. We provided links to shareable infographics, and gave top tips on producing mini videos for social - all to celebrate the humble egg.

What we did on the day

Thousands of NFU colleagues, NFU members and members of the general public took to social media to promote the benefits of eating eggs.

NFU member and Poultry Industry Programme participant William Lea did a takeover Tuesday on the @NFUCountryside Instagram account, where he posted about his life and daily routines as a free-range egg producer.

The NFU’s poultry board chair Thomas Wornham created a fun video for social media, where he promoted all the nutritional and health benefits of consuming British eggs. It was seen 2,845 times. If you missed it on the day, watch it below.

The NFU Poultry team showed their support for World Egg Day by eating British boiled eggs and soldiers for their breakfast! This post was seen 4,559 times.

NFU member Steve Pace produced a brilliant video which was shared on the @NFUNorthWest twitter account, where he promoted buying locally produced British eggs for world egg day.

@FairburnsEggs celebrated world egg day by posting several fun facts about eggs over the course of the day.

The NFU food chain team got involved too:

As did the NFU South West team:

Save the date

World Egg Day will be occurring again next year on Friday 14 October, so be sure to mark it in your diary.

You can also share all the positive messages about British eggs throughout the year by using the NFU’s selection of ready-made graphics and infographics which can be found on the poultry pages of NFUonline.

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