New SYFAP intake gets to grips with lobbying

Tom Bradshaw with this years Student Young Farmers

The latest group of NFU SYFAP (Student & Young Farmer Ambassadors) went on their annual visit to London where they met with politicians, supermarket executives, and NFU President Tom Bradshaw. 

The group also undertook lobbying training with the NFU External Affairs team, gaining an insight into how the NFU operates in Westminster to put British food and farming on the political agenda.

The 12-month SYFAP programme has been running successfully for five years, providing a unique opportunity for young farmers to represent the next generation of British agriculture.

The programme also allows young members to learn more about the inner workings of the NFU and develop long-standing relationships with like-minded people from all farming sectors around the country.

NFU Westminster

The group had a jam-packed two days. After arriving at the NFU Westminster office, just around the corner from the Houses of Parliament, they began planning for their takeover of the NFU Student Farmer Magazine.

After lunch, the Ambassadors received political engagement training from the External Affairs team.

This involved learning to communicate effectively with MPs and build strong relationships with Parliamentarians.

“It was brilliant to visit the Houses of Parliament and learn more about the history of both houses, as well as the functionality of how laws and policies are made.”

NFU Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Jess Stewart

The following day allowed the Ambassadors the opportunity to put their new-found skills to good use.

They headed to the Houses of Parliament for a tour of the historic building, after which they met with former MP, and current PPC for Epping Forest, Neil Hudson to discuss the issues facing young people within the agriculture industry.

The topics covered included rural crime, land-based education, mental health and farm inspections.

NFU Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Jess Stewart said: “We really appreciate Dr Hudson taking the time to speak to us about the future of British farming. He was very knowledgeable about the current and long-term issues facing the industry and was open to feedback on how to better the sector for the next generation.”

NFU Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Ed Harrison said: “As a constituent of Dr Hudson, it was great to meet him with my fellow young farming colleagues in Westminster to chat about all things British agriculture. Discussions included important issues such as mental health, rural crime and access to land.

“The tour was very interesting, and I enjoyed learning all about how the House of Lords has specialist members, including specialists in agriculture.”

An insight into the industry

The group left Parliament later that day for a meeting with executives from Waitrose.

They heard from Waitrose’s agricultural manager and head of innovations about the focus of the supermarket, and the values it adopts in their relationship with farmers and growers.

Finally, the Ambassadors heard from NFU Economist, James Thompson, about his time working with European Young Farming during his placement in Brussels.

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