Defra has updated the TBhub providing an overview of the bTB Partnership and to convey its long-term Bovine TB eradication strategy for England.
Defra acknowledges the accomplishments achieved to date and explains progression of the five priorities set out in the government’s response to the Godfray review for completion by 2025.
Science and evidence led TB eradication policy
The NFU supports the bovine TB Partnerships ambition to drive a science and evidence led TB eradication policy and welcomes the increased transparency and collaboration.
Deputy President Tom Bradshaw alongside Tom Rabbetts, head of TB delivery represent the NFU as a member organisation.
“Bovine TB remains one of the biggest threats to our dairy and livestock sectors with devastating effects on faming businesses and families. It is crucial that the farming community is consulted at all stages of policy development. The TB Partnership offers a great platform to represent our members and for their voices to be heard.”
NFU Deputy President Tom Bradshaw