Tesco announces further net-zero commitments

27 September 2021

Tesco signage above the store

Tesco has announced a new commitment to tackle climate change by setting out ambitions to become net zero by 2050.

Often referred to as Scope 3 emissions, Tesco’s 2050 commitment will cover all emissions generated across its entire value chain, including the sourcing of raw materials and food production.

Emissions from Tesco’s products and supply chain make up more than 90% of the retailer’s total emissions footprint. Some 100 of Tesco’s largest suppliers have already reduced manufacturing emissions by 20%.

Range of activities

New activities announced by the retailer include:

  • Supporting all suppliers to establish a net-zero ambition and set science-based targets.
  • Accelerating operational decarbonisation across key emissions hotspots such as refrigeration, heating and transport.
  • Trialling innovations with suppliers to reduce emissions from agriculture, including the use of low-carbon fertiliser and alternative animal feed such as insect meal.

'Whole supply chain effort'

NFU President Minette Batters said: “It’s clear that a whole supply chain effort is required to combat climate change and we welcome Tesco’s commitment to work with its farmer suppliers on sustainable food production. British farmers are already leading the way in climate-friendly food and we have an ambition to do even more, working towards net-zero food production by 2040.

“The commitment made by Tesco will require significant effort across the supply chain to deliver. The NFU will be reaching out to Tesco to understand how they will be supporting British farmers and growers to meet its target of being net zero by 2050.

“The public should be reassured that if they want to enjoy sustainable and nutritious meat and dairy products and at the same time reduce their carbon footprint, they can.

“In the UK, greenhouse gas emissions from beef and dairy production are less than half that of the global average. At a time when we know the entire nation should also be eating more fruit and veg, there is also an abundance of home-grown, seasonal and nutritious fresh produce available, so you can eat healthily and more sustainably by eating a balanced diet and choosing British.”

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