Three Counties Show: standing room only at NFU marquee

NFU marquee at the Royal Three Counties Show 2024

The NFU marquee was packed for president Tom Bradshaw's appearance at the Royal Three Counties Show in Malvern.

The annual three-day event held at the Three Counties Showground, featuring the spectacular Malvern Hills in the background, saw the NFU take up temporary residence in our prime spot next to the main ring, this time hosted by Worcestershire.

On the opening day of the show, NFU President Tom Bradshaw was on-stand and members from Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire as part of a bumper crowd had the chance to get their queries aired during a Q&A session. Questions from the audience centred on farm assurance, dairy contracts and the general election.

NFU Worcestershire county chair, Oliver Surman, thanked Tom on behalf of members before the president conducted a series of TV and radio news interviews in between speaking to members and guests.

Oliver also hosted an evening reception at the end of the first day featuring delicious Worcestershire produce.

"The show went really well and it was an honour to host the event and to welcome Tom to the marquee," said Oliver.

"A huge thank you to the local donations of food and drink for the reception, to our legal panel firm Shakespeare Martineau for sponsoring the drinks and for all the help NFU Mutual offered too."

“There was a good crowd of members here and Tom spoke really well and openly with them.”

NFU Worcestershire county chair, Oliver Surman

Independent commissioner Dr David Llewellyn was based at the NFU stand throughout the first day gleaning members' views for the review into farm assurance. There was also the chance for farmers to get those views heard during a specially-convened meeting with Dr Llewellyn in the afternoon.

Standing room only

NFU Worcestershire county adviser, Emma Hamer, was delighted with how the show went.

"The show's been brilliant and it's been very busy on the NFU stand," she said.

"Tom Bradshaw's address to members was a real highlight, which was standing room only, and it was an honour for Worcestershire to host the event this year.

"I'm so proud of our growers who have come up trumps for the evening reception; we're having Worcestershire apple juice, cider, perry, pear juice, cheeses and strawberries, with donation proceeds going to RABI."

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