NFU flying the flag for British farming at No. 10 business reception

26 July 2024

Front door of No. 10 Downing Street

Photograph: iStock

NFU President Tom Bradshaw met Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer this week as part of a select few business representatives invited to No.10 Downing Street. 

The reception – the first the government has held since the election – was an opportunity for business leaders across the economy to come together to meet the new cabinet top team and the NFU was flying the flag for British agricultural businesses.

Attendees heard from a range of cabinet ministers including Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Secretary of State for Business and Trade Jonathan Reynolds and there was an opportunity to meet the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Ed Miliband.

A voice for farmers

Following the event, NFU President Tom Bradshaw said: “It was an absolute privilege to be one of the first organisations invited to No.10 Downing Street to meet Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and other members of the cabinet.

“On my journey back from the Royal Welsh Show into London I saw the familiar sight of our iconic British countryside created and managed by the work of our diligent farmers and growers while getting on with the job of providing food for the nation.

“During the reception I ensured farming’s voice was represented, expressing the importance of restoring confidence and building back profitability into our businesses so we can continue to contribute to the economic growth of our nation.

“As highlighted in Labour’s manifesto, food security is national security and I look forward to working with the government on this shared mission.”

Tom Bradshaw CEO business reception Number 10

Photograph: No. 10

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