‘The uplands must have access to viable SFI options’

Environment and climate
A sheep on a hill

Defra’s new ‘expanded’ SFI offer unveiled 102 actions following a merge with Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier. But for farms in the uplands, the new offer still falls short, says the NFU Uplands Group chairs. 

The NFU’s recent survey has shown that farmer confidence is at an all-time low, with the phasing out of BPS payments topping factors farmers said would negatively impact their farm business.

This uncertainty impacts their ability to invest in their businesses, adopt new technologies and, ultimately, produce food to the best of their ability.

The purpose of ELMs (Environmental Land Management schemes) has never been to replace BPS, but upland farmers are facing extra financial uncertainty in knowing they have fewer options to make up for lost BPS through SFI and CS.

This is due to the high level of environmental scheme engagement in upland areas prior to the transition to ELMs, leaving fewer land parcels available for extra agri-environment options.

The moorland offer

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