Young member events: build your business skills

17 – 31 October 2024

The NFU's Westminster office and Claas UK in Suffolk

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Improve your business skills at NFU East young member events.

Our NFU East young member events are targeted at 20 to 40-year-olds, for those planning on taking over the farming business, moving into a management role, or simply wanting to expand their knowledge.

The events are open to all members, as well as those associated with a membership, such as a family member or employee.

In October we are holding two skills workshops with Peter Cox from Brown & Co. Peter will be discussing business and financial planning, a crucial skill for all business leaders.

Both meetings begin with refreshments at 10am for a 10.30am start and finish at 12pm.

Our NFU East Young Members Vice Chair Hannah Buisman explains more about what's involved.

How to book

See details of both meetings below, including booking links. For further details contact the NFU East team on 02476 939403, email [email protected] 

NFU East Young Member Events
Event details
Start Date
17 October 2024 at 10:00
End Date
31 October 2024 at 12:00

The NFU's Westminster office and Claas UK in Suffolk

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